Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Witches, Zombies, Racism, Disney, and the Future.

Life in a nutshell: 

-Gonna make some more changes to "Before the World Goes Boom".   I had some time to think about it and let it stew and I think I can make it a lot stronger.   Everybody keeps asking when they can see it and I hate to say it but probably not any time soon.   I'm not bothered by this, as I just want it to be as good as it can be.   I care a lot about the subject matter (racism, religion, etc) and as corny as it sounds, I want to deliver a positive message in as potent a way as possible.

Lloyd and Larry

-"Captain Wilcox vs The End of the World" is taking much longer than expected, but we'll get it done.   The story means a lot to me on this one.   I can't wait for it to be finished so I can show the world what we've been up to.  Animation is a tricky beast, but I love it. 

Captain Wilcox, Leon, and Jess 

-Pre-production on "Rosina" continues and the storyboards will be done today.   I love this project.   I'm grateful to Cindi Rice and Red 5 Studios for giving me this opportunity, which I choose to take full advantage of.   I want "Rosina" to prove I'm ready to do a feature length animated film and I'm treating it with full, 
100% respect and integrity.   

"Rosina" suspects she's being watched

-"The Long, Slow Death of a Twenty-Something" is on DirecTV right now so hit it up and spread the word!!!   Click HERE

-Marisa and Jake are visiting Comic Con.   Marisa asked yesterday if I'd be interested in trying another "Four Tanks and a Healer" Kickstarter run.   My gut says "no", but if they do it, I will support it and spread the word.   I would probably tell myself I wasn't going to go 100% like last time, but it would go against my nature not to and eventually I'd probably be out posting fliers.   My strength is my weakness.   Naivete and determination often go hand in hand.    Here is the old page:  FOUR TANKS AND A HEALER

-Filming on our un-named feature film project is going really well.   It's a series of shorts and sketches pieced together into a full-length narrative.   Total comedy.   Makes me laugh outloud, like our old projects used to do.   I want to put Four Tanks in there, as well as Captain Wilcox.   We'll see.   This one means a lot to me, and because of the fact that it's very Eyeball Papercuts/Dolly Oxem-ish, it's going to be dedicated to our old friend, Tim McCoy.   Tim passed away a few years ago and I always told myself that if I did another ridiculous sketch project, it would be for him.

-I'm taking the family to Disney World in 3 weeks.   Can't wait.   Huge part of my childhood and something I've wanted to give the kids for a couple of years now.   Life comes full circle.   Wish my other family could go, but Mom's health isn't great and Aaron probably can't get Audrey for that week.   That's a bummer, but one day we'll get all the cousins together at Disney, I'm sure of it.

The Magic Kingdom

-Work hard.   That's what I try to do.   The economy sucks, especially in the mid-West.   You bust your ass trying to raise $15k to do a low-budget feature film with your friend, Dian Bachar, and people act like you're insane.   After a while, you start to believe it really is impossible.   But it isn't.   You're just on the wrong side of the country.    The dreamers and dream-makers are farther to the left.

But I really am tired of struggling.   I don't mean to sound entitled or whiny, but I think it's safe to say I've proven I can handle something bigger.   I don't think I'm gonna find that in Ohio.

When "Rosina" is a little further along, Mark Ordesky and I are going to put our heads together and attempt to move forward on the "big one".   The animated feature film "The Wanderer King" is and always will be (until I've done it) my main goal.   With a little luck, it might just be my ticket to bigger and better things as well.

Dante is seduced by a Naga in "The Wanderer King"

Keep the faith... and visit MY COMPANY'S FACEBOOK PAGE


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